Daily Support - $150 p/month
I can't tell you how exciting it's going to be to work with you at this level. The synergy that will come from it can not be measured. You won't recognize your life or your old habits in a few months.
I will be here daily for you. We will also be doing some serious brainstorming together on a monthly basis. I'm excited for you and the courage you have to go after your dreams. Monthly, Weekly and Daily.
"Daily Support" includes:
FREE 'Discovery' session for you to discover things about yourself, and it's a great way for me to get to know you and how I can support you best.
"I DID IT!" Daily bragging CALL from you to me. This is POWERFUL. I'll be waiting for your call every day (Monday - Friday) so that you are CLEAR and FOCUSED for the entire day. A quick review of what worked and what didn't work the day before and where you are moving now.
Daily text from me to encourage and support you (optional but available if you would like it!)
MONTLY ACCOUNTABILITY CALL SESSION: Our time together will be all about your progress and BRAINSTORMING. We will connect every month on the phone for up to 60 minutes.
We will celebrate all your success, but on the flip side, we will not make excuses or tell any stories if things did not get done.
No more excuses, no more stories!
It's time for Action!
"If you want to be more successful, one of the most vital relationships you can develop is with an accountability partner...... Working with an accountability partner is similar to climbing a mountain range with a buddy. They help to hold a vision of the summit when we are in dark valleys. They encourage us when we get tired and feel like quitting. And they celebrate our successes when we achieve a new peak. It may be possible to make the climb alone, but it's far easier and more enjoyable with someone by your side." - Jack Canfield, Author​